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Professional Negligence


Hired professionals have a duty to exercise reasonable skill and care when whilst providing their services. Unfortunately, professionals do make mistakes from time to time and often these mistakes can have a significant impact on your life.

If you have instructed a qualified professional person and think you may have a case against them our team is on hand to assess your situation and determine the merits of pursuing a claim.

Our professional negligence solicitors can assist you in making claims including:

Solicitor & Barrister Negligence

When enlisting a solicitor or barrister they have a duty of care to you that their services will be carried out to certain standards and that reasonable care and skill are used when dealing with your case. If they fail in these duties and you have suffered a loss, as a result, you may be entitled to lodge a professional negligence claim against them.

At Bridge Law, an experienced solicitor within our litigation team will advise you upon whether you have a claim, and if your case is ongoing, assist in transferring your file to us or another party to deal with your case, limiting any further loss you may suffer.

Some examples of solicitor or barrister negligence by way of example only are:

  • Missing court deadlines
  • Failing to apply for decree absolute
  • Failing to advise on the protection of property rights
  • Drafting a Will that does not represent the subject’s wishes
  • Incurring adverse costs 

Surveyors, Architect and Estate Agent Negligence

Poor professional advice about your property can leave you in a difficult position and have serious consequences such as lost money, lost time or missed opportunities.

Surveyors have a responsibility to ensure you are aware of the state of a property and over- or under-valuing a property or failing to spot defects can cause you to suffer a loss.

Architects can have various responsibilities, however failing to properly manage or supervise a project, obtain appropriate planning permission or failure to comply with building regulations can all be grounds for a claim.

Estate agent negligence can have a huge impact on your ability to buy or sell and cause delays or direct financial loss. A breach of duty can include incorrect valuations, providing legal advice where they are not qualified and misleading buyers. 

Speak to a member of our team to discuss your particular circumstances and to establish if you have a claim.

Financial Advisors & Mortgage Broker Negligence


Whilst financial advisors and mortgage brokers should be providing services only in the best interests of the consumer, that is not always the case. Examples of poor or negligent advice can include:

  • Advising on areas where they do not have expertise
  • Not informing customers of the implications of financial products
  • Advice relating to high-risk or unregulated investments
  • Unsuitable pension advice
  • Unsuitable tax avoidance advice

If you have received bad advice or been mis-sold investment products, mortgages or other financial services and have suffered a loss, talk to a member of our team about your rights with regard to claiming damages.

Accountant Negligence

When appointing an accountant, you should be able to trust that they will ensure your finances are handled correctly, however, the service you receive can sometimes be below the standard you should expect which can result in your or your business suffering a financial loss.

Examples of cases where you may be entitled to make a neglgiance claim include receiving incorrect tax avoidance advice, failing to meet important deadlines, inaccurate valuation of assets or incorrect auditing.

If your personal or business accountant has provided advice which in result has caused you to suffer financial loss, then you may be entitled to make a professional negligence claim. Talk to a member of our Professional Negligence team today about your claim. 

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