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Tips for Co-parenting during Back-to-school season

Back to school co-parenting

Supportive parents are important whether living together or apart but being separated can bring additional challenges. We set out below a few tips which may be of help:

  • 1. Check you have Parental Responsibility. Unmarried father’s or relatives caring for children may not do. This allows you to have a say in important decisions such as education, for example choice of school and requesting duplicate newsletters or reports.
  • 2. If possible set differences aside and attend Parents’ Evenings together to show support for your child.
  • 3. Plan in advance for events such as school concerts. Can both sides of the family attend and remain civil or should you attend on separate dates (where possible). If you really cannot get on do not attend the same event and create an atmosphere for the child at what should be an enjoyable occasion for them. Instead speak about it afterwards showing an interest and making it a positive experience for them.
  • 4. Make arrangements for school equipment and uniform either at both houses or how it will pass between houses. This often causes arguments and puts the child in the middle of adult disputes. The same applies to arrangements for doing homework.
  • 5. Communicate with the child’s teacher. If there are issues at home the teacher can have an understanding especially if the child becomes upset and may need some extra support.
  • 6. School should be a safe, happy place, away from any conflict or upset at home, avoid bringing any conflict such as hand over arrangements into the school day.

Blog written by Carol-Anne Baker

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