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Author: admin

Transparency for overseas beneficiaries

In April 2017 the UK government began a Consultation calling for evidence regarding the planned new register of beneficial ownership information for overseas legal entities. This is part of a broader push on transparency of ownership and follows the 2016 establishment of a central register of people that have significant control of UK companies (PSC Register).

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The Duties and Responsibilities of the Owners of Animals

If you own pets, livestock, or other animals you may be liable for any damage they commit. If you keep any animal, you have a duty of care to prevent them from causing harm. If you fail to do so, you can be exposed to civil liability with anyone who has been harmed being able to take action against you for any loss or injury. This is consistent with wider tort law with you as the owner being liable reflecting the fact that making an animal a defendant is not exactly a viable option.

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Court Rules that Pets provide vital care

We’ve all had noisy neighbours at some point in our life. Whether it’s the teenage son practising his drums or babies crying in the early hours, there are times when we’ve all had enough. But one noise complaint in particular has warmed our hearts at Bridge Law, as we remember that dogs are very much for life and not just for Christmas.

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Where there’s a Will, there’s a way

Where there’s a Will, there’s a way, or so the saying goes. But when 40% of adults don’t have a Will and the number of cases where Wills are contested climbing, the law around Wills and what happens to your estate when you die can be confusing and easier to ignore. The team here at Bridge Law have sat down to answer your questions.

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