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Why is family mediation beneficial for separating families?

why is family mediation beneficial for separating families blog header image of people at mediation

Going through a divorce or legal separation is never easy and can be overwhelming. However, it is always recommended to try and resolve matters where possible, without involving the courts, which may trigger acrimony or aggravate an already acrimonious situation further. This is one of the reasons we are supporters of family mediation, which we know can help separating couples to move forward with their lives, in a way that works best for their family. In this article, we’ve shared some key benefits of family mediation to consider. 

Gaining control to move forward with your lives 

Family mediation gives separating couples the power to control their own decisions on how they move forward with their lives, which can mean matters can be resolved faster, with less acrimony, time, stress and costs that are involved in going to court.  Ultimately, the court’s decision on the way forward could be something neither party would have chosen for themselves and may not address fully all the issues between the parties- this is especially true in situations where child arrangements are involved. There is always an element of risk that you may be unhappy about a decision when applying to court, this is avoided if an agreement is reached between you with the assistance of a mediator.

Making decisions amicably 

Separating is upsetting, no matter what the reason and in many cases, can be incredibly acrimonious. However, some situations where a couple has decided to part ways on good terms can turn sour for a number of reasons, for example when courts are involved and blame games start to kick in or one party starts a new relationship etc. 

Family mediation helps separating couples resolve matters much faster than going through the courts, especially since the well-publicised lengthy delays in the family courts. Resolving matters quickly, in a calm and controlled situation with a family mediator can allow you and your family to move on and have a positive future. 

Coming to decisions that work for you and your family’s best interests should always be the main focus when separating, especially in cases where children are involved as maintaining effective communication and respectful attitudes to one another is always going to be in the children’s best interests and will hopefully avoid the separation having any long term impact upon their wellbeing.

Reducing the amount of time, stress and costs of going to court 

The process of going to court can take up a lot of time, cost and stress even in relatively straightforward cases. So family mediation is always worth considering to resolve matters in a less stressful, more open and collaborative way to enable all parties to look towards the future. 

How we can help 

Although we don’t offer mediation at Bridge Law currently, our family law specialists work closely with many local mediators to advise and support clients prior to and during the mediation process. Many people worry with the mediation route that decisions made may not be legally binding, however, we are able to help clients ensure decisions are put into legally binding court documentation where appropriate to give clients peace of mind and explain options where this is not possible. 

Family Mediation Week 2022

This week (17th-21st January) is Family Mediation Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness of mediation and how family mediation can be beneficial. You can learn more about mediation by following the Family Mediation Council and Resolution’s social channels posts this week or the hashtag – #FamilyMedWeek. 

Written by Specialist Family Solicitor, Carol-Anne Baker

Photo of carol-anne baker

Child Arrangements, Divorce, Family Law, Family Mediation, Family Mediation Week 2022, Mediation, Separation

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