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Author: Lauren Baker

Does Divorce Day Really Exist on January 7th?

Most family lawyers will tell you that there are increases in enquiries in January but that does not mean that the first working Monday is a day when there will be an abundance of new divorce proceedings issued.  This is often media hype and may not be the reality.

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East Bergholt Parish Council v Babergh District Council and others – 7 December 2018


This is an interesting case reported today concerning a decision in the High Court. The Claimant was the Parish Council for the village of East Bergholt in Suffolk which challenged a planning decision of the local planning authority, Babergh District Council (“the Council”). The decision under challenge was to grant 3 planning permissions for a total of 229 new homes to be built around East Bergholt. 

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Useful Resources For Separated Parents

Finding helpful information and getting support can be a turning point in your co-parenting relationship with your ex, to maintain a positive co-parenting relationship moving forward to benefit yourselves and most importantly your children.

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