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Category: Wills and Probate

When to make an inheritance claim for financial provision

Even in situations where all parties agree a Will is valid, there are times when claims can still be made against an estate. These claims happen when for some reason, when the deceased was alive and making the Will, they did not provide for an individual who believes they should’ve been. In this blog, we share further information on the time limits to take action if you wish to make a claim against an estate under the Inheritance Provision and Dependants Act 1975.

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What to do if you are considering challenging a Will based on validity concerns

Over the years, we have seen the number of people raising probate disputes increase. Whatever the reason for disputing a Will, we always recommend seeking early advice to determine the right course of action, which may require you to take immediate steps to prevent probate from going ahead. In this article, we’ve shared our advice on the first steps to take when you have concerns over the validity of a Will. 

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What happens when someone passes away without a valid Will

If a person passes away intestate, it means they haven’t left a valid Will in place. This means that their estate will be dealt with according to the Rules of Intestacy. In this blog, we’ve shared what this means and why we always recommend adults of all ages have a valid Will in place and ensure it is up to date following any major life changes. 

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An insight into training to become a solicitor  

Our Associate Solicitor, Zoe Bancroft completed her training contact on the 6th January 2022 and was officially admitted as a solicitor on the 1st February 2022. In this blog, Zoe provides an insight into why she chose to pursue a career in law, what her route to becoming a solicitor was like and her advice to others currently thinking about or training to become a solicitor. 

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Why it’s vital to ensure you have a valid Will and how Coronavirus has changed Will writing

Understandably, the pandemic has enforced a sense of urgency to ensure we protect our loved ones should the worst happen to us. This has resulted in a surge of people of all ages amending their Wills or making a Will for the first time, to ensure their affairs are in order and their loved ones are protected. In this blog, we explain why making a valid Will is important no matter what your age and how the pandemic has changed the way we work – which may continue into the future. 

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